
Benecare Medical is a limited company, we provide high quality medical devises, casting material, thermoplastic and footwear into the NHS, private sector and direct to the public.

The products on this website have been designed to meet the specific requirements of the healthcare professional working within the NHS.

Therefore, the products should be used for the specific indication they have been designed for.

If you are working in a clinical setting you will need to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge before you use a Benecare product. The application instructions should be used to facilitate the correct procedure.

When using the casting materials, you should follow the BOA guidelines with regards to appropriate training on the correct use of these products.

If you a member of the public buying through the Benecare Direct Website, please follow the guidelines regarding the appropriate devise for the indication and follow the application guidelines.

If you are concerned about your condition you should contact a medical professional appropriate to you symptoms to seek medical advice.

Casting material should not be used for clinical indications if you have not had previous training.

Benecare Medical do not take responsibility for any products being used in a situation that is not categorised as a recognised medical indication, with the appropriate training for this procedure.